Category Archives: Identity Theft

Can You Tell the Difference Between Identity Theft and Mixed Files?

You may be familiar with the problem of identity theft. But can you tell apart identity theft, and a “mixed file” issue where a credit reporting agency (“CRA”) mixes up the credit history of two or more people? Making the distinction can be very important for deciding how to respond. How Can I Tell if […]

Consumer Reporting Complaints (Part 2)

Read part 1 by clicking here! From January 2020 to September 2021, CFPB received more than 700,000 consumer complaints about Experian, TransUnion, and Equifax—the national credit reporting agencies (NCRAs). But the number of successfully resolved complaints dropped to just 5%. Why? According to a recent report by the Consumer Financial Protection Bureau (CFPB), one reason […]

Consumer Reporting Complaints (Part 1)

The Consumer Financial Protection Bureau (CFPB) is required to gather information relating to the credit reporting industry and submit an annual report to Congress about its findings. In years past, the CFPB included this information in another larger report. But the number of complaints against Experian, TransUnion, and Equifax—the national credit reporting agencies (NCRAs)—skyrocketed in […]

Consumer Financial Protection Bureau Issues Advisory About Name-Only Background Screening

What’s in a name? There is a great deal of frustration, confusion, and even difficulty navigating normal life if you are among the 38,000 Americans named James Smith or one of the 32,000 Maria Garcias in the United States. If you have a common first- and surname combination, it’s likely that you’ve been misidentified as […]

Someone Else’s Bad Credit Information Can Appear On Your Credit Report When You Have A Very Common Name—What Can You Do About It?

You’ve worked hard to build your credit, you’ve paid your bills on time, and you’ve responsibly increased card limits over time. Finally, it’s time to apply for a car loan, a mortgage, or even a new job and reap the benefits. But then the representative comes back, and your application has been denied because of […]

Fake Emails about Fake Money from a Fake COVID-19 Fund

Fake Email Generator with a new email icon

Because of COVID-19, unemployment rates are high and many people’s cash flows are low. Scammers view these as ripe conditions to strike. They’ll stop at nothing — not even a pandemic — to trick you into sharing your personal or financial information. That includes pretending to be a government official from the Federal Trade Commission […]

FBI Warns of Potential Fraud in Antibody Testing for COVID-19

An hacker on a laptop accesing bank inforamtion

ID theft comes in all flavors.  If you believe your personal identifier information has been compromised, visit for free credit reports or purchase your credit reports and scores at (for each of the three bureaus Equifax, Experian, and TransUnion). Scammers are marketing fraudulent and/or unapproved COVID-19 antibody tests, potentially providing false results. In […]

Top 10 Warning Signs of Identity Theft

Top 10 Warning Signs of Identity Theft Identity theft occurs when a criminal uses your personal information for their own benefit or to commit fraud. For example, the thief might use your driver’s license or Social Security number to open an account in your name. Once their process is complete, they can run up bills in your name.